Virtualenv サポート (paver.virtual)

Paver は開発とデプロイのために virtualenv 環境を簡単に構築します。virtualenv はシステム環境と分離して Python パッケージをインストールする環境を設けます。

paver.virtual タスク

Tasks for managing virtualenv environments.


Creates a virtualenv bootstrap script. The script will create a bootstrap script that populates a virtualenv in the current directory. The environment will have paver, the packages of your choosing and will run the paver command of your choice.

This task looks in the virtualenv options for:

name of the generated script
packages to install with easy_install. The version of paver that you are using is included automatically. This should be a list of strings.
run this paver command line after installation (just the command line arguments, not the paver command itself).
the destination directory for the virtual environment (defaults to ‘.’)
don’t give access to the global site-packages dir to the virtual environment (defaults to False)
unzip Setuptools when installing it (defaults to False)

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